Stop complaining, start doing!

Amruta Shinde
3 min readAug 15, 2021

In day-to-day life, we all facing lots of problems. Some problems are really huge but some are minor but we feel those are huge. And here onwards we start complaining about things. Consider one situation, you started walking on the road and suddenly rain comes then what will happen? There are possibilities. First, you are just wandering then you feel good. But if you have work then the complaint starts. Why today rain came, why this happens with me, etc. But instead of complaining if think it’s cloudy outside and you just did one action of taking an umbrella with you it might be a simple one.
Why do we complain? We complain when we feel there is a significant gap between an expectation and reality, according to Dr. Winch“Complaints can make us feel like we connect with someone because we have a mutual dissatisfaction about something”. But people tend to confuse complaining with venting.

Nowadays most of people doing the job. And mostly we people complain a lot instead of accepting things and start to minimize this problem. We all knew the problem but there are few who try to find out the solution. At our workplaces, lots of people work together and lots of things happen there. Sometimes we need someone's help and we continue trying to reach them but they don’t reply then we definitely make an image for that person like he/she is not helping me or they are rude, etc. But we haven’t thought that this person already may have another workload and he/she has no time but if we try then at a certain time they reply and definitely help us. Just of making a complaint of them just keep doing work and in touch with that person may change the things. And we can do one thing also trying to find out our own solution. And it’s a better way of learning.

In many situations, we complain about time. Mostly when we need to complete a certain routine or decided to achieve a certain goal. But if we are sleeping or doing nothing and still complaining like I don’t have enough time so I failed. But when we had time how we utilize that thing we completely put aside. So we have to make a change in ourselves and start doing things that may lead us to achieve our goal. And complaint leads to what? NOTHING… But if start doing it’s definitely getting a better result than complaining. As we know every action has a reaction. But complaining has the reaction of stress, anger, etc. But instead of wasting energy, if we utilize this energy into starting some work it's far better than the previous reaction. Remember ACT: Action Changes Things.

Even think about health, many of us try to get fit but do you exercise for getting fit? if you just complain about health issues and do not even walk 10 min in a day then how you will expect fitness. So stop complaining about health issues and start doing things that make you fitter. Our brain has a tendency to focus on the negative. But we can change this by start doing something positive. Once you have identified the motivation behind your complaints, address them. Changing a complaining habit isn’t simply positive thinking or being a pushover. So take actions, be specific, change your habits, practice meditation, and most important focus on yourself. As you focus more on minimizing your complaining and maximizing your gratitude and excitement about life, you will likely feel a difference in your stress levels and your level of overall life satisfaction. there are different ways to stop complaining like: Establish a positive attitude, learn to adapt the things, be mindful, be less judgemental, be assertive, keep moving forward, be responsible, etc. If we started doing such things definitely get a better result. Keep doing and learn….



Amruta Shinde
Amruta Shinde

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